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Too Far Gone: A Grey Justice Novel Page 4
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Her eyes, still heavy, blinked and tried to open. When that proved too much trouble, she stopped trying and searched for beautiful oblivion once more.
“Oh no you don’t. You’ve been out of it way too long. Wake up, princess. It’s time to face reality.”
Gabby frowned at the brusque voice. She didn’t recognize it, but she had a vague recollection of someone calling her princess. Squinting, she peeked through her lashes and caught her breath on a gasp. The man’s eyes were the same color as the stars in her dreams. Only they didn’t look nearly as friendly as her stars.
“Who are you?”
“Your babysitter for the foreseeable future. Think you can sit up?”
Confused, she glanced around the room. She was in a large, lovely bedroom with walls the color of a peaceful ocean. It wasn’t her bedroom. Gabby scrambled to remember what happened.
“Whatever the hell drugs you were on did a number on you, didn’t they?”
Insulted, she snapped, “I do not take drugs.”
Though he didn’t smile, something gleamed in his brilliant eyes, making her think she had amused him. “Then why don’t you remember what happened?”
“How do you know I don’t remember?”
“Because you look confused.”
Refusing to stay in a supine position in the presence of the unfriendly stranger, Gabby moved to sit up. Thinking the man would back away, she sat up quickly, and her head connected with his chin.
“Dammit. First a slug and now a head-butt. No one told me you were so violent.”
“I’m not violent. You just happened to be in the way. Now who are you and where am I?”
“You’re in the US. Colorado, to be exact. I believe you requested this, shall we say abduction, in exchange for your brother. Do you remember that?”
Breath gushed from Gabby as memories returned in a flood of images. Masked men. Guns. A car chase. And then this man had been there. She could piece together most of it, but there was one thing she didn’t know.
“My brother…Carlos. Where is he?”
“Your concern would be touching if not for the fact that you set him up. Having second thoughts?”
She didn’t bother to explain to this unfriendly stranger that concern for her brother’s welfare was not the reason for her question. If Carlos were anywhere nearby, he would do his best to take her back to her grandfather. She had to know so she could be prepared.
She asked again, “Where is he?”
“He’s in police custody in Dallas, Texas.”
Massive relief rushed through her. At last Carlos would receive the punishment he deserved. He was far away and locked up. He would never hurt any innocent woman again. And she had escaped her grandfather. Her plan had actually worked!
“Are you going to pass out again? If so, warn me so I can get out of your way.”
“Are you an ass by nature, or is this special treatment just for me?”
His stern mouth twitched this time, giving her the idea he had almost smiled. He didn’t look like the type who smiled much. That was fine with her. Having been surrounded by smiling people most of her life, she knew a fake smile could hide a multitude of sins. This man’s surly attitude was actually quite refreshing.
“You’ve been out a long time. Over twelve hours. I would imagine you’re hungry.”
The grogginess was rapidly wearing off, telling her she was both hungry and in desperate need of the bathroom.
As if reading her thoughts, he stepped away from the bed. “The bathroom’s through that door over there. You should have everything you need. If you don’t find it, let me know. I’ll go round us up some grub, then we can talk.”
She swung her feet to the floor and stood up slowly. Thankful the room was no longer swirling around her, she went toward the door he’d indicated. The man stayed close for a few seconds, and though he wasn’t within touching range, she got the impression that if she stumbled, he could grab her in a second. She wasn’t sure why that image both terrified and excited her.
Apparently satisfied she wasn’t going to pass out again, the man headed out of the bedroom.
She stopped at the bathroom door. “Wait. You haven’t told me your name.”
“The name’s Slater. Jonah Slater.”
He threw the answer over his shoulder, so he didn’t see the shock or hear her small gasp. Jonah Slater? Really? After all these years? How had she not recognized him?
Had she escaped her grandfather only to end up in the hands of a man who had every reason to hate her?
Chapter Six
Valencia, Venezuela
Mendoza Estate
If he didn’t let loose the fury boiling inside him, Luis Mendoza knew that any moment now he would have a stroke. His grandchildren had been taken from him. And what had his people told him? Nothing so far. The only answer he’d received from even his most trusted advisers was, “We have no idea who took them or why.”
“This is intolerable. I will not stand for it.”
Striding to the phone at his desk, he pressed a series of numbers. The instant the call was answered, Luis released a battalion of verbal threats that might be laughable if they hadn’t been all true. He would have every damn one of them carried out if his grandchildren were not returned. Secondly, and just as important, he wanted to know who was responsible. When he found them, he would unleash a hell unseen in modern times.
“I’ll do my best, Señor Mendoza. But my sources say that the cameras malfunctioned all over the city that day. The eyewitnesses said the men spoke fluent Spanish, and all wore ski masks to hide their faces. They had no other information to share. With so little to go on, finding the culprits will—”
“I don’t want excuses, I want results. If you can’t give me what I need, I’ll make sure that young trophy wife you’re so proud of doesn’t get the chance to get any older.”
“Señor Mendoza, you are threatening a government official. Surely you realize that—”
“Don’t you dare act as if you have clean hands. You have taken more bribes than I can count. Get me the name of the person responsible and you stay alive. Get it within the next forty-eight hours and your wife can live, too.”
Luis slammed the phone into its receiver. He had several cellphones, but when it came to certain calls, he trusted only an old-fashioned landline. Plus, there was something so very satisfying about slamming a phone down. Couldn’t do that to a damn cellphone without breaking it. He had broken more than his share.
His fury still at the boiling point, Luis bellowed, “Stephan!”
As silent as a lizard, his friend and right-hand man slid into the room. With a face on the wrong side of ugly and a body a championship wrestler would envy, Stephan Conti was the one person in the world whom Luis trusted completely. They had grown up together. Had attended the same schools and knew each other better than their spouses could ever imagine. They’d shared secrets, women, and when they were younger, they’d killed together. These days, neither of them had the energy to do much more than share memories of the grand old days. But just because they were old didn’t mean Luis was any less powerful or Stephan any less deadly.
“What am I to do?”
No one, not even his dear wife, Flora, had ever been privy to seeing Luis in a vulnerable position. Only Stephan had been allowed that privilege.
His ugly face wrinkled with fury, Stephan commiserated the only way he could. “We will find your grandchildren. Then we will hunt down the bastards who did this and disembowel them in front of their entire families.”
A rattling rush of air expelled from Luis’s lungs. No one could ease his worry or bolster his confidence like Stephan.
“Thank you, my friend. You always put things in the proper perspective.”
With renewed energy, he ambled to the bar across the room and poured two fingers of scotch for each of them. Offering a glass to Stephan, he took his drink and settled on a leather sofa. He took a sip of the smoky liquid, swishe
d it around his tongue, and swallowed. He could feel his muscles relaxing at last. It would all work out. He’d worked too hard, waited too long, to fail now.
He allowed himself a moment of silent peace, then said, “All right. Tell me everything.”
“They were taken in front of Antonia’s building. Gabriella had just undergone her procedure.”
Stephan paused long enough to give Luis a disapproving glare. In all the years they’d been friends, Luis’s decisions regarding Gabriella had invoked the most disagreement. Stephan had vehemently opposed Luis’s most recent choice for her life.
Luis really didn’t see what the problem was. It wasn’t as if he was planning on killing the girl. He had provided Gabriella with the best of everything. She owed him this one small favor. And as her grandfather and leader of the Mendoza family, it was his right.
Ignoring the barely veiled censure, Luis made a sweeping hand motion, urging Stephan to continue.
“According to the witnesses we’ve talked to, Carlos and Gabriella, along with three guards, walked out of the medical building. The instant they stepped onto the sidewalk, they were surrounded by seven masked men. Vehicles blocked the limo. One man took Carlos, another took Gabriella. The other men took the guards. They all left in separate vehicles.”
“And no one could give any descriptions?”
“No. Again, they all wore ski masks. In less than a minute, they were gone. This was a well-planned and expertly executed abduction. They were obviously professionals.”
“What about license plates, identifying marks on the vehicles?”
“None were reported.”
“I was told that cameras all over the city malfunctioned.”
“This is true and cannot be a coincidence. This was a strategic strike against you. The men were heavily armed and disabled our guards without one shot being fired.”
“All the guards have been found?”
“Yes. They were released about a hundred miles outside London in a remote area. Unharmed.”
For now, Luis thought. He needn’t state the obvious. The men would be reprimanded, and their families would be threatened. If they didn’t find his grandchildren, they would lose their lives, and if he felt like it, he’d have their families killed, too. It was as simple as that. They had failed in their jobs. If they didn’t rectify the situation, punishment would be swift and brutal.
“What are the guards saying? Have they nothing useful to share?”
“Nothing more than what the witnesses have already told us. They claim no words were exchanged while they were being transported to their drop-off point.”
“Is this Bianchi’s doing?” The question had gnawed at him ever since he’d learned of the abductions. Would Rudolph be so bold, so daring? It was something he had feared for so long. If Bianchi gained Gabriella, where did that leave him and their agreement? He couldn’t even bring himself to contemplate the answer. But if this were Bianchi’s doing, why take Carlos, too? That didn’t make any sense.
Darkness flickered in Stephan’s eyes. “Based on what I just learned, I don’t think it’s Bianchi.”
“You have news?” Luis snarled. “Tell me. Now!”
“Carlos is in the custody of the Dallas Police Department in Texas. He was found, bound and gagged, inside a police car with a note attached to his shirt.”
Seething, Luis asked through clenched teeth, “And what did this note say?”
Stephan glanced down at his phone and read the message. My name is Carlos Luis Mendoza. I am a rapist and a scumbag. I escaped justice once before. If you allow me to escape again, you won’t ever find me. Don’t let me out this time.
“Dammit, I was afraid this would happen. I told him he needed to take extra care.”
“Perhaps sending him to London was not the best idea.”
“Gabriella needed extra eyes until I could find her another companion. Besides, he was getting bored and restless here. It was only a matter of time before the boy got into trouble again. I had no choice.”
Stephan nodded. “You’re right, of course.”
He and Stephan had discussed Carlos many times. They had argued over what to do about the young man and his predilection for getting into trouble. Luis had no issues with his grandson having a bit of fun, but his stupidity in not hiding his less-savory misdeeds had caused a world of problems for the family. The last time he was in the States, the imbecile had actually had the audacity to return the girl to her home after keeping her for a few days.
Carlos had taken no precautions. The girl had known his name and how to find him. Within hours, Carlos had been arrested and charged with a multitude of offenses. If not for Luis’s contacts and connections, the boy would have surely faced years of prison time. Luis had arranged bail for him and had spirited him back to his home country.
Luis’s sources had reported that the girl, Stephanie something or other, had taken her life after Carlos’s escape. While he could comprehend the girl’s family wanting vengeance, he couldn’t allow his grandson to be imprisoned. Besides, the girl had obviously had too much freedom, or she never would have been with Carlos.
“I don’t think there’s anything we can do to save him now.”
Stephan’s words made the scotch Luis had consumed turn sour in his stomach. No, he wouldn’t give up on his grandson. He would do all he could for Carlos, but it would take time. He would let the boy stew in a jail cell for a few months. Maybe it would do him some good, teach him some humility. His main concern now was getting Gabriella back home. She was his only priority.
“Gabriella is the one we need to concentrate on.”
“Of course.”
The way Stephan responded made Luis’s heart leap with optimism. “You have good news. You found her?”
“Not yet, but we’re working on it.”
“Working on it how? What do you have?”
A slow smile spread across Stephan’s face. “Did you forget the other procedure Gabriella went through several years ago?”
How could he have forgotten? This was actually something both he and Stephan had agreed upon. In fact, it had been Stephan’s idea.
“So we know how to find her?”
“Yes. Worry not, my friend. We will be bringing your granddaughter home soon.”
Chapter Seven
Colorado Mountains
Shoving two frozen dinners into the microwave, Jonah set the timer and waited. The pantry and freezer were well stocked, which was a good thing since he couldn’t cook worth a damn. They had plenty of frozen meals and canned foods to last them through the summer if need be. Not that he planned to be here that long. Once he got the information he needed, he’d be out of here, and Gabriella Mendoza would be on her way to a new life.
He had to admit she had surprised him. Most people would be at least a little apprehensive to wake up to find a complete stranger standing over them. Instead, once she’d regained her composure, she had acted as if nothing unusual had happened. Hell, with her family, maybe things like that happened all the time.
He’d read her file and had been prepared to dislike every person who shared the Mendoza name. Even though the crimes were somewhat different, there were too many similarities to his own screwed-up family to have any kind of good feeling about meeting Gabriella, much less being her caretaker.
He still didn’t plan on liking her, but at least she wasn’t completely disagreeable.
Hearing a noise behind him, he twisted around. Three years of prison meant no one got the drop on him. So how did this woman suddenly appear without him knowing? He told himself that lack of sleep blurred his concentration and that the noise from the microwave had obscured her sounds. His lack of wariness had nothing to do with the beautiful, doe-eyed creature who looked far too innocent for her own good. She had been exposed to a cesspool of human vermin her entire life. No way had she escaped without some kind of corruption. Just because she wanted to get away from her family didn’t mean she didn’t carry th
at evil inside her. Wasn’t he a prime example?
“So what now?”
He couldn’t fathom why, but she was looking much more cautious than she had before. He switched his expression to neutral. He was here to gain her trust and learn what secrets she might harbor. Glaring at her like she was his enemy wouldn’t exactly inspire trust.
“We eat.”
“Thank you. I’m starving.” And with that, she sat down at the table, folded her hands in front of her, and looked up at him expectantly.
Jonah raised a brow at the obvious sign that she was waiting to be served. “You’ll find the plates in the cabinet behind you and the silverware in the drawer to the left.”
Confusion flickered in her eyes, and then she caught his meaning. Flushing a lovely shade of pink, she jumped to her feet and went to the cabinet for the plates.
He held back a sarcastic remark. Wasn’t her fault that she’d been pampered and waited upon her entire life. Going from a privileged background to fending for herself was going to take some adjustment.
After the plates and silverware were placed on the table, Jonah pulled their meals from the microwave. Placing a tray of food in front of her, he took his own tray and transferred his food to the plate.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she copied him. Something odd clinched his heart at her obvious attempt to do exactly what he was doing. He knew how it felt to be a fish out of water. He’d been a privileged young man thrown into a prison filled with the most-hardened criminals. It had been sink or swim for him. And if he’d thought about it too hard, he knew he’d have never fully emerged.
They ate in silence. She had a healthy appetite, greedily scraping up the last bites of the plate of salmon, wild rice, and broccoli until there was nothing left.
“Want anything else?”
“No. Thank you. It was delicious.”