“We’ll just have to make sure we find time to be alone again after the auction.”
Warmth rushed through her blood. This was the closest he had come to telling her that these days together weren’t an anomaly. That he wanted something more.
But there was a huge hurdle he didn’t know about. One she had to cross before anything permanent could happen. The lies she’d told, though necessary at the time, stood between them like an invisible wall, blocking the way. Until she gave him the truth, nothing remotely resembling a future for them was possible.
The text she’d read last night was burned into her brain. Turner had apparently sent it a few days ago, and Jules had been lax in checking for messages. When she’d read it, fury had clashed with an overwhelming nausea. She had wanted nothing more than to call the woman and tell her exactly how vile she was. Instead, she had gone to the bathroom and thrown up. Then she had returned to her room and answered the text. Even though her hands had been shaking, she had managed a one-word answer. One that Turner would be happy to see. She’d then hidden the phone again and calmly returned to Ash as if nothing untoward had happened.
Jules didn’t yet know how or when, but Nora Turner would regret every ounce of pain and misery she had caused Ash. That, she swore.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Omar Schrader’s Estate
With the glitz and glamour that would rival any Hollywood event, Omar’s gala was in full swing. Women wore gowns in a variety of colors that glittered beneath the giant chandeliers, making them look like brilliant, sparkling flowers. The tuxedoed men were a stark contrast to their vibrant beauty.
Once again, Ash’s eyes veered over to his companion. Jules was a vision in sequins of silver blue and in his opinion outshone them all. Her gown’s neckline was modest and gave only a small hint of cleavage, but the back of the dress had him catching his breath each time she turned from him. Creamy, golden skin with just a slight sprinkling of cinnamon-colored freckles glowed under the blazing lights. Several men had sent her searing glances. Ash had gladly sent a different kind of searing glance right back at each of them. He was playing the role of a cold-blooded arms dealer. Humphrey did not take kindly to people trying to poach his property.
For the first time ever, he and Humphrey were of the same mind. Asher Drake didn’t like the leering glances either.
Ice princess Elsa Olsen was back in full force, but Ash saw Jules as she was last night in his arms. The warm-blooded passionate woman had nothing in common with the coldly composed person beside him, except for one thing: They were both incredibly beautiful.
“Have I told you how lovely you look tonight?”
“Of course you have, darling. Several times.”
Elsa’s answer was cool, as if she was slightly bored with life in general.
“Not having a good time?”
“As much fun as anyone has at these events.” Her eyes lit up as she turned to him. “I am looking forward to the event later tonight.”
His smile was as cold as hers. “You’re a bloodthirsty wench, aren’t you?”
“Just the way you like me.”
“That is true.”
Omar had surprised him by agreeing to allow Elsa to attend the auction. Ash had thought he’d have to do more convincing, but it was apparent that Schrader was quite a fan of Elsa Olsen.
He subtly nodded to a corner across the room where they could talk without being overheard. Weaving through small pockets of people, Humphrey made little acknowledgment of speculating eyes. And Elsa stared through the others as if they didn’t exist, showing that, without a doubt, they were a perfect match.
Stopping at the small alcove, he heard Jules inhale slightly and looked at her sharply. “You okay?”
“Yes,” she said softly. “Neither Elsa nor Jules is a fan of large crowds.”
“Humphrey and Ash agree with you both.”
Taking a sip of her champagne, Jules asked, “Do you think everyone knows what’s going on here?”
“Doubtful. Omar has a reputation for throwing lavish parties. He probably thinks it’s amusing to have all these people out here enjoying themselves while people in another part of the house plot death and destruction.”
“I hope you’re right. Two of my favorite actors are over there, happily gobbling caviar.”
Ash followed her gaze and though he recognized the young woman as the star of a television detective series, he didn’t recognize the man.
“Who’s the—”
His earwig dinged once. He had worried that they wouldn’t be able to use their comms inside the house, but so far they hadn’t had any issues. Once they entered the auction, he expected to lose contact.
“Ash, can you hear me?”
He glanced over at Jules and saw no indication that she’d heard Serena’s voice. The ding had been his notice that all comms had been cut but his. He gave a grunt to let Serena know he’d heard.
“We’ve got a problem. Can you walk away from Stone for a moment?”
More confused than concerned, he asked Jules, “More champagne?”
Jules shook her head. “Ice-cold water would be heaven, if you can find some.”
“Be right back.”
Turning away from her, he headed toward the large double doors leading to a balcony. He stepped out, barely noting the cool, crisp night. “What’s going on?”
“Something’s come up on Stone’s background.”
He had told Serena to stop looking. He trusted Jules. Any other secrets she had, he wanted her to feel comfortable sharing with him. And while he could tell his communications specialist to forget about any further intel, he wouldn’t. This mission was too important to risk not knowing anything that could ruin it.
“What is it?”
“The monthly tracker analysis came in a few hours ago. I didn’t pay much attention to it since we’re all accounted for, but since we had some downtime between the party and the auction. I just thought I’d—”
She was rambling, and that was uncharacteristic. “Get to the point, Serena.”
“An anomaly came up on Jules…the day before she arrived at headquarters that first day.”
That would’ve been the day after she’d received the tracker.
“Okay…so what is it?”
“She flew from Arizona to Ohio.”
Dread began to trickle in. “Where in Ohio?”
“She flew into Cleveland and then went on to Brooklyn from there.”
Okay, that was a surprise, but not necessarily notable. Ohio was a big state. Maybe she had friends who—
“She went to a hotel there.”
“Senator Turner was staying at the hotel. I did some more digging. I’ve got camera feed of Stone going into her room. She stayed there approximately ten minutes.”
In seconds, a dozen reasons why Jules would have met with Turner zoomed through his mind. He discarded all but the one that made the most sense. The blow was harder than he’d thought possible. Hell, he’d suffered plenty of them. But he had trusted her. Dammit, he had trusted her with everything.
“Have Xavier and Liam wait at the stairway at the back of the house. I’ll send her out. Tell them to hold her at the safe house. I’ll handle her when the op is done. Also, tell Rose to search Jules’s room at headquarters.”
“Will do. And, Ash, I’m sorry.”
He didn’t reply. What the hell could he say?
He made it back to Jules in record time. When she sent a questioning look at his empty hands, he shrugged. “Couldn’t find water. We’ve got an issue.”
“What’s up?”
“Meet Xavier and Liam at the stairs off the kitchen. They’ll fill you in.”
A slight frown of confusion flickered, but he saw no alarm or real concern.
“Okay.” Then, in a very un-Elsa-like way, she winked and said, “See you soon.”
He watched her walk away, his heart so heavy with b
itterness he could barely breathe. Turner had struck once again. Stupid to be shocked. The woman would do anything, use anyone to destroy him.
He had known all along he was playing a dangerous game with Jules. The secrets he’d detected in her, the lies she’d started out with, the way she kept herself separate from the team. They were all signs that he had ignored. All because he’d fallen head over heels in love with her. He had seen what he wanted to see, and because of that, this op could be compromised.
Ash pulled his head out of his ass and refocused. How this had happened—how Jules had not only fooled him, but fooled Kate, too—would have to wait. This op was too important to let anything or anyone derail it.
As painful as it was, this was a good reminder that he did much better on his own. Not getting involved with an OZ operative had been a self-imposed rule for a reason. When emotions and libido got in the way, shit like this happened.
For right now, he had another priority. A major one. This op could not go sour. Way too many lives were on the line. He would have to deal with his fury and the hurt when this was over.
* * *
Jules headed to the exit, nodding a cool greeting or a frigid smile as she went. Playing Elsa was an easy transition for her since the character was so standoffish. Keeping people at a distance was as natural as taking a breath. Except when it came to Ash.
Asher Drake had changed her life in more ways than one. Tonight, she would tell him the truth. She knew he would be angry, probably hurt that she’d not been truthful about her real identity, but she believed she could make him understand. She had to…there was no other choice. She loved him with all her heart, and she could no longer keep the words to herself.
Ash was one of the most loving, supportive people she’d ever known. She told herself he would understand why she had kept the truth from him. Working together, they would bring Turner down. Whether he shared her feelings was another matter. The thought of revealing herself, her emotions, was both a frightening and exhilarating feeling. She didn’t open up ever. But with Ash, she would reveal all.
She walked through the busy kitchen, thankful that everyone was so focused on their own tasks, they barely glanced her way. She went to the door leading to the back stairway and slipped through. Both Xavier and Liam were waiting for her with expressions so bleak the grim reaper might find them depressing.
It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn’t heard any communication in her earwig, so how had Ash known that there was an “issue”?
She flashed them a curious smile. “What’s up?”
“You need to come with us,” Liam said.
“What? Why?”
Xavier shook his head. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Jules.”
“Make what harder? I don’t understand.”
Surprising her, Liam moved behind her and put a gun to her back. “Move.”
Her heart thudding with dread, she said calmly, “I want to talk to Ash.”
“When this op is over, you’ll get your chance. Until then, you’re coming with us.”
They had found out about Turner. There was no other explanation. And there was no point in asking how. It didn’t matter. She had known this could happen, but dammit, why now? This mission was too important for Ash not to follow through.
“All right. Okay. I understand. But if I could just have one minute with Ash, I could—”
“Yeah, you could screw everything up like you were hired to do,” Xavier snarled.
“No, I promise I’m not—”
Grabbing her arms, Liam pulled them behind her back and zip-tied her wrists. She could escape. She had practiced a thousand times how to get out of restraints. She would suffer some injuries, but she knew she could get away. But at what cost? If she did…if she created a distraction, this mission would fail. She could not take the risk.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll go with you.”
With Xavier behind her and Liam in front, they walked down to the first floor and went through a side door. One of the large, modified SUVs they’d arrived in was waiting for them. They moved Jules forward so quickly she got only a glimpse of the person driving. Jazz. And the sheer hatred on the woman’s face made Jules want to scream.
Liam opened the back door and shoved her inside. The door slammed, and the SUV sped away.
Jules took a shaky breath. She had made a mess of things and had only herself to blame. She should have come clean with Ash long before this. He had given her so many chances, and she had blown every one of them.
Did he really believe that she would work with Turner? Since they’d become intimate, grown so close, it was hard for her to comprehend that he believed she would do something so heinous. Yes, apparently there was evidence that she and Turner knew each other. Despite that, whatever evidence they had to the contrary, he had to know in his gut, in his heart, that she could never work against him.
“You want to talk now, or wait till we get to the cabin?”
With a gasp, Jules realized a man was sitting across from her. How had she missed that? The overhead light flashed on, and the moment she looked into Gideon Wright’s glacier-cold eyes, she knew she was in huge trouble. She barely knew this man, and he certainly didn’t know her.
“I’ll talk when I can see Ash.”
“Ash is busy.”
“I’m aware of that. I can wait.”
“Can you?”
“Yes. And would you please remove these ties from my wrists? They’re cutting into my skin.”
“You can wait.” The sarcasm as he used her words was infuriating but also helpful. If she concentrated on the anger, then she wouldn’t think about how she was tied up and helpless. She had sworn never to feel helpless again, and she had kept that promise. Damned if she would allow that fear to creep in and strangle her.
She reminded herself that OZ was made up of good people. They didn’t rape and torture. They didn’t kill for evil reasons. They fought for good. They wouldn’t hurt her. Ash wouldn’t let them hurt her.
Now if she could only get her volcanic emotions to accept the reassurances. Because no matter how much she tried to reassure herself, they all sounded like lies to her.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Maintaining a bored, frozen expression, Humphrey surveyed the auction attendees. Though his formula wasn’t the only product for sale, the majority of the people were here for that specific item. Not all of them could afford to bid, but they definitely wanted to know more about it, possibly get a glimpse of its possibilities.
The weapon was such that wars could begin or end with its use. It was designed for one purpose, and whoever won the bid would want the weapon for only one thing—to destroy. If there was one commonality among all of these people, it was the need for power. From the sick and the twisted to the soullessly evil, in this they were of one mind.
Ash wished he could take them all down. If destroying everyone in this room would take care of the problems of the world, he’d do it in an instant. Destroying them would solve nothing. He had long ago accepted that, no matter what he did, evil would never go away. But as long as he had breath, he would continue to fight against it. Yeah, some people thought he was just as evil as what he fought. Other people’s opinions had stopped mattering to him long ago.
They had been working on this op for months, and while the determination to bring Carl Lang down was as strong as ever, the excitement had dampened considerably.
As more people continued to fill the room, Humphrey sat stoically in the back, waiting, his expression never altering. Anyone looking at him would likely think he was ruminating on the millions he would make tonight. That would be the furthest thing from the truth. It was a rarity for him, but while Humphrey maintained his cold demeanor, Asher Drake was doing something he hadn’t done in years. He was thinking about heartbreak.
Allowing personal feelings to get in the way of a mission was a mistake only a neophyte would make. He could operate with a shattered heart. Wasn’
t the first time, but he damn well promised himself it would be the last. Never again would he care for someone who could rip out his guts.
Jules had been the most refreshing and loveliest woman he’d met in years. The impish smile with the delightful dimple on her left cheek, the gray-green eyes that sparkled with laughter, the scent of strawberries and something citrusy in her perfume. Her sense of humor, the unique blend of vulnerability and incredible strength he’d sensed in her. All of those things and a thousand more had intrigued him, fascinated him.
The explosive passion that had seemed to match his so perfectly had been a lie.
Everything had been a lie.
Once this op was done, he needed to talk to one person in particular before he faced Jules. How had Kate been fooled by her, too? Kate Walker could spot a liar a mile away. She was the savviest person he knew. No way could she have been taken in by Jules’s lies. Which brought to mind the possibility of another blow. Could Kate have fooled him, too?
Anger washed through him, and he shoved it away. If he started questioning everything, everyone, he would get nowhere. Concentrating on the here and now had to be his priority. Whatever came next could wait.
“Humphrey, my dear friend.” A beatific smile on his face, Omar Schrader appeared before him, holding out his hand.
“Impressive turnout, Omar.”
Schrader practically preened with delight at the compliment, reminding Ash of Jules’s observation about the man. She’d said that the weapons broker had a deep need to please Humphrey, and Ash could see she was right on the mark. Omar was practically glowing.
“I’m thrilled you approve. I’ve worked extra hard on making this a night we can both remember with great fondness.”
Ash wasn’t surprised that Omar didn’t mention the monumental screw-up he’d been responsible for weeks ago. All of that was water under the bridge to the weapons broker, but it likely did increase Omar’s need for this night to go perfectly.
“How many products will you be auctioning tonight?”