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Page 15
Playing a rich society girl was a different role for Jules, but she anticipated no real issue. Becoming someone else was always easy for her. Being herself was where she usually had trouble.
Which was exactly why her heart was pounding much faster than it should be. Ash’s kiss had sent her entire body into a heated frenzy. She was professional enough to maintain the icy expression of Elsa, but the woman inside was all Jules, and she was feeling decidedly unprofessional. How had one kiss made such a difference?
She dared a look over at Ash, still amazed at the transformation. When she’d first arrived at the airport and saw who was waiting for her, she’d done a double-take. Even though Rose had shown her a photo of Humphrey, it had still been hard for her mind to grasp that behind the receding hairline, ugly brown eyes, and pointy-tooth smile was the very handsome Asher Drake. When he’d said in a very quiet, growling voice, “You look lovely, Elsa,” shivers had spiraled throughout her body. The voice had been all Asher Drake.
“Humphrey, my friend. So glad you could join me.”
Jules looked up at the man descending the steps toward them. Omar Schrader was exactly how Ash had described him. He had a slender build, thinning hair, and intelligence in his evil eyes. Taking his welcoming smile at face value would be a deadly mistake. This man could be lethal.
“It’s good to see you.” Humphrey held out his hand to shake Schrader’s and then turned to Elsa. “Let me introduce you to Elsa Olsen.”
“What a delight, my dear.” Using old-world charm by taking her hand and kissing it made no difference in Jules’s assessment of the man.
“Very good to meet you, Mr. Schrader, and thank you for the invitation to your lovely home.”
“My pleasure, I assure you.” He made a sweeping gesture. “Come, let me show you around. Boris will take your luggage to your room.”
Despite the fact that Omar Schrader was a weapons broker and quite likely many other evil things, his home was lovely. And Omar was a gracious host, taking them through several rooms, sharing amusing anecdotes of the mansion’s history. He ended the tour with refreshments on the west portico that faced a small pond. The sun was setting, and with ducks and geese floating on the water, the entire scene was almost poetic.
A stern-looking middle-aged man wearing a butler’s uniform served them drinks and light snacks. Omar munched on caviar and chilled lobster with single-minded focus for several minutes and then sat back in his chair with a beatific smile.
“You have an extraordinary home, Omar,” Humphrey said.
“Thank you, my friend. I’m so pleased you and Elsa accepted my invitation. And I’m very happy that I was able to persuade you to stay here instead of at a hotel. I think you’ll be happy about that, too.”
Humphrey’s smile stayed in place, but his eyes narrowed. “Oh? Why is that?”
“Because someone wants to meet you.”
“And who would that someone be?” Humphrey’s tone was quiet but carried the sharp blade of lethalness.
Omar let loose a loud giggle, startling the ducks and geese, who quacked and honked in protest. Several flew away. No one at the table gave them obvious notice. The atmosphere had just zoomed from low-key to almost deadly.
Neither she nor Ash was armed. They had been patted down before they’d been allowed to get into the limo. However, she had learned that one used what one had available. Utensils on the table could be wielded with lethal precision in an instant.
“Now, now. No one for you to be worried about. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. You’ll meet him at dinner.”
“I don’t like surprises, Omar. People in our line of work rarely do.”
“I guarantee that you’ll like this one.”
Jules knew that while Humphrey maintained his semifriendly demeanor, Ash was calculating exactly what Omar had up his sleeve and if they should take evasive action.
Several tense seconds passed. Jules stayed quiet. Elsa would have no opinion and little interest in such things. Nor would her opinion be welcomed. She had a role to play, but Jules most definitely had an opinion. She believed they should stay and play this out. Omar wasn’t stupid enough to double-cross Humphrey. The reputation Ash had built for him precluded even the most arrogant from taking such a chance. Omar had called them to his home for a reason, but she didn’t believe it was about betrayal.
Though she couldn’t say anything without appearing to try to influence Humphrey, Jules shifted subtly, allowing her hand to drop to her side and then onto Ash’s thigh. She squeezed it firmly. Would he understand her meaning?
The tension in him lessened almost immediately. “Then I will look forward to meeting him.”
“Excellent. He’ll be here at seven for dinner.”
“Then we’ll want to make ourselves presentable.” Standing, Humphrey held out his hand to Elsa. As soon as she was at his side, he nodded stiffly at Omar. “We’ll see you in a couple of hours.”
Omar stayed seated, looking altogether too pleased with himself. The jovial atmosphere had vanished completely, replaced with a formal stiffness in Humphrey and an odd gleam in Omar’s eyes.
As she followed Ash to their room, Jules maintained her icy demeanor, but her mind was whirling with the implications. Who was this mysterious person Omar wanted Humphrey to meet? And why had the man looked so supremely pleased with himself?
Chapter Twenty-Two
His jaw clamped with tension, Ash strode into the suite that had been assigned to them. He paid no attention to the décor other than to give a cursory glance around to determine where the bugs and cameras might be hidden. Problem was, there was no time for an in-depth search. Decisions needed to be made.
His bag was beside the bed, and while he was sure Omar’s people had searched it, unless they’d gone through an entire box of condoms, no one would have spotted his jammer. Covered in a foil packet the size of a condom, the jammer was a prototype and not yet on the market. He was confident the device had not been detected.
The instant the door was closed, still in his Humphrey persona, he said, “Let’s take a shower.”
Stalking over to his luggage, he unzipped a side pocket and pulled the condom box from his travel bag.
Though her eyes might have dilated slightly, Jules thankfully didn’t ask questions or protest. They had talked about touching and kissing, but taking a shower together had not been mentioned. He actually hadn’t planned on communicating this way, but one sure way they could talk without Omar overhearing was beneath a flood of water. Later, when and if they returned to the room, he’d take more time and hunt down the bugs and cameras. In a pinch, this would have to do.
Grabbing her by the arm, he pulled her along with him toward the bathroom. And Jules, being the professional she was, gave him a sultry, inviting smile and slid her arm around his waist.
When they entered the bathroom, things became a little more complicated. Ash had little modesty. He’d played sports, been in the military. Plus, the life he lived didn’t exactly fit with being insecure about his body. Jules might view things from a different perspective. That couldn’t be helped. He’d do his damnedest to keep his gaze at eye level. That was the best he could offer.
When he began to strip, her eyes got noticeably wider. She turned her back to him, and Ash knew a moment of regret. She wasn’t ready for this. Instead, she surprised him and said, “Can you help me with my zipper?”
Grateful for her professionalism, Ash moved closer. While he unzipped her dress, he whispered in her ear, “You’re doing great.”
She threw him a sexy smile over her shoulder and allowed the dress to pool at her feet. Left only in a lacy bra and almost sheer panties, she turned to face him.
Ash had to force himself to turn away. This was the least appropriate moment to give in to his attraction. Not only were they in the home of a deadly weapons broker, there was a surprise coming their way. As happy as Omar had seemed to be, Ash knew whoever was coming tonight would not be a pleasant encount
He quickly finished stripping and then headed to the shower. With the jammer on the counter, the cameras and listening devices should be inoperable, but for this particular conversation, he could take no chances. Keeping his back to her, Ash pressed buttons for temperature and steam, then another to turn on the water. Large enough to comfortably fit a half-dozen people, the shower stall featured every luxurious amenity possible.
Turning back to Jules, he held out his hand. His eyes carefully on her face, he did his best to give her a reassuring look without going out of character. Surprising him, she winked slightly and said, “Make sure it’s warm enough, Humphrey. You know how I love steam.”
“I think this will be to your liking.”
The steam was already filling the stall and should give them the privacy they’d need. Taking her hand, he led her into the middle of the shower and wrapped his arms around her. His mind told him to ignore the fact that a beautiful, naked woman was pressed up against him. His body told his mind to shut the hell up.
Hoping she’d ignore the obvious signs of his arousal, Ash held Jules close. The pounding shower and rising steam gave them the cover they needed. His mouth at her ear, Ash whispered, “Sorry about this. The jammer is likely working, but I couldn’t take the chance.”
“Not a problem. We’re good.”
“I wanted to talk to you about Omar’s surprise.”
“Do you know what it is?”
“I have a good idea. I think he’s invited Lang here to meet Humphrey.”
Jules’s body stiffened. “You think he’s going to try to take the formula from you?”
“Doubtful. I think Lang’s planning on offering a lot of money at the auction and wants to meet the seller before he makes that decision.”
“How do you want to handle this?”
“We’ll go ahead as planned. If we can’t talk to each other, we’ll have to improvise. If we can, we’ll use sign language.”
She pulled her head back slightly to look at him. “You can sign?”
“Yeah. You do, too. Right?”
“Yes…my mother, she…” She trailed off and then said again, “Yes.”
“Good. Follow my lead. If I don’t check in with Xavier, he can have the team here in a matter of hours. Or, if we have to, we’ll fight our way out.”
Ash hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Not only would he and Jules be in great danger, the chances of getting to Carl Lang were phenomenally smaller. There was still no substantial proof that would tie him to any of the terrorist events. The auction was going to be their chance to catch him in the act.
“Think it might be getting a little too steamy in here?”
While he’d been standing here, ruminating and, okay, yeah, enjoying having Jules in his arms, the entire bathroom had filled with thick steam.
“I’ll get out and let you shower. I can shower after you.”
“Won’t it look strange for you to come back in here?” Before he could answer, she rushed on, “The shower is big enough for the two of us. Let’s finish and get out. Okay?”
Tenderness flooded through him. He knew she was uncomfortable like this, but she was thinking of the mission. Instead of doing the wise thing—keeping his focus solely on the mission—Ash did something totally out of character.
His mouth still pressed up against her ear, he said, “Jules, mind if I kiss you for real?”
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”
From the moment he’d met her, Jules Stone had been surprising him. This was no exception. With a groan, Ash took a step back and, cupping her face in his hands, put his mouth to her wet, steamy, and delicious lips. Careful to resist moving his hands, he put all of his energy and focus into making love to her mouth.
For the first time ever, his mind was not on the job. Just once…just this once, Ash put the mission on hold and took this moment for himself.
* * *
Ash’s lips were like fire, devouring hers with an all-consuming heat. She wanted to sink into him, let him devour all of her. Though his hands stayed put, Jules couldn’t help but wish they wouldn’t. The thought of those large, callused hands roaming over her sent a floodgate of need through her body.
The entire time he’d been whispering to her about Schrader and the new complication, she had been hyperaware that she was standing naked in the arms of an equally naked Asher Drake. Concentrating on his words had been more challenging than she’d ever thought possible. For years, the job, whatever it was at the time, always came first. It was how she kept focused on the here and now and not on the past. But never had she been more tempted to forget the job.
Having him ask if he could kiss her for real was one of the sweetest moments of her life. But this? This wasn’t sweet. This was raw, savage, beautiful—an experience beyond her imaginings. Ash’s mouth ate at hers as if he was starving for her taste.
Recognizing his restraint in not touching her, Jules grabbed hold of his upper arms to balance herself. The tension in them told her how much he held himself back.
When he drew away from her, they were both breathing heavily. Ash leaned his forehead against hers, and they stood in the middle of the over-steamed shower, gasping like two long-distance runners who’d just finished a harrowing race.
“Guess we’d better shower before the steam runs out.”
Jules nodded. Words were beyond her at the moment. She’d just had one of the most sensual and profound moments of her life, but when she walked out of the shower, she would be Elsa again…coolly composed. She needed to get her game face on and fast.
Pulling away from him, she turned and hurriedly soaped her body and rinsed. She’d worry about her hair later. She could hear Ash behind her, doing the same thing. When they walked out of the shower, all the thoughts and feelings that kiss had invoked would have to be put on the back burner. They were here to do a job, and if Carl Lang was indeed Schrader’s special guest, outmaneuvering both men would require all of their wits.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Masks securely in place, Ash and Jules headed downstairs. Things might have gotten a little out of control in the shower, but they’d put that behind them for now. They had a job to do.
Her hair pulled away from her face, Jules carried herself like an ice princess, walking with an air of superiority, confident in her beauty and place in the world. The off-the-shoulder black cocktail dress, which landed a couple of inches above the knee, perfectly displayed her lovely arms and legs. Ash had done a double take when he’d seen her. He wasn’t worried about Omar crossing the line with her. She wasn’t Schrader’s type. On the other hand, Carl Lang’s appetite for beautiful women who challenged him was well documented. Elsa Olsen was just his type.
When he’d helped her with the clasp of her necklace, he’d whispered that fact in her ear. She had given him a subtle nod, and that was all Ash had needed. Jules could handle herself with anyone. Of that, he had no doubt.
The instant they arrived in the foyer, Omar was there to greet them. He was dressed in formal attire and looked as nervous as a teenager at his first prom. Either this deal meant more to him than Ash had anticipated, or there was an even bigger surprise coming. He gave Jules’s elbow a little warning squeeze. Something was off here, and he needed both of them to be prepared for anything.
“Elsa, don’t you look lovely.”
With a queenly nod, Elsa acknowledged the compliment and allowed Omar to take her hand and lead her into one of the large living rooms they’d been shown earlier.
Ash was only a few steps behind them, his eyes and ears open for whatever came next. At the entrance, Omar stopped and looked over his shoulder toward Humphrey. “I told you I had a surprise.”
Omar stepped aside, allowing Ash to see the three other occupants of the room. A man and a woman stood beside a chair. The man was heavily muscled and had the empty expression of a ruthless killer.
The woman on
the other side of the chair was an attractive brunette in her mid-forties. She wore a slight smile, as if she were enjoying a private joke. Ash thought she looked vaguely familiar.
When his eyes lit on the third person, the man sitting in the chair, he knew why the woman looked familiar and why she was smiling. The seated man was one of the most notorious mass murderers of this century. He was believed to have been in on at least eight terrorist attacks in the last decade. He had little to no allegiance to any country, nor did he have any kind of religious leanings. He killed for money, for fame, and for the sheer enjoyment of taking lives.
There was one other unique fact about Günter Rhinehart: The man was supposed to be dead.
Ash cursed himself for his lack of foresight. He’d been so focused on Carl Lang being here and dealing with him, he hadn’t for an instant considered that Omar had found a much more deadly buyer for the bioweapon.
Jules glanced over at him, and though her expression never changed, he saw the knowledge in her eyes. She, too, recognized the man.
Omar whirled around and clapped his hands as if he were a child at his own birthday party. “This is my biggest delight of the year. I can see you’re just as surprised as I’d hoped you’d be, Humphrey.”
Yeah, he was surprised, and he’d like nothing better than to grab hold of Omar’s skinny neck and squeeze until his eyes bugged out. The bastard knew exactly what kind of destruction Rhinehart would inflict if he got hold of a deadly bioweapon such as the one Humphrey was selling. And he did not care.
“This is indeed a surprise.” Humphrey’s voice held both surprise and delight at the turn of events. “I’m assuming you have an additional buyer for my product?”
“Not additional. Exclusive. Günter is willing to pay an exorbitant amount to ensure he’s the only bidder.”